'Zy Ayrılan YAZAR' tarafindan gonderilmis yazilar.

13 Eyl

Table Management Software and Board Portals

A plank management software or a board webpage provides important tools to aid online gatherings and do governance-related tasks. It improves the entire reaching experience through the preparation of agendas, observe taking, papers sharing and uploading to conducting from the board or perhaps team conferences, evaluating resolutions and following up on them. This type of […]

13 Eyl

Virtual Technology Review in Degree

Virtual technology (VR) has been crafting rapidly and is expected to be the next big technological turning point. It is being used in many distinct fields and applications. However , VR has some restrictions and obstacles that need to be overwhelmed in order for it to become fully implemented. VR is known as a new […]

2007-2012 Bilgi Agi / Turkiye nin Interaktif Kose Yazari Gazetesi

Designed By Online Groups

bizajans, kent akademisi, sunubank